Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's been a while...

Since so much has happened in the few days since I blogged last I have decided to do a bunch of short posts, one for each event. Just keep in mind that all of these things have happened in the last 20 days or less and I know I will forget some of them. Amongst all of these has also been a number of illnesses in our household, Joshua had to go to the ER for breathing trouble and 103.5 fever, then Noah had the same fever but just a virus, then Matt got strep, REALLY BAD strep, then I got tonsillitis, mostly from being run down, and now Noah has strep.  Throughout all of this Matt's mom, Donna, has been in the hospital with blood issues so please keep her in your prayers. I will post about that later. So here we go......

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