Friday, August 8, 2008

New Job!!

"Once and for all...Sign Language Interpreters DON'T read Braille"

So as many of you know I recently accepted a job offer by Denton ISD.  I am officially a sign language interpreter at Denton High School! Whoo hoo!!  Those who have known me a while know that this is a fulfillment of a prophetic word over my life and also an answer to prayer so we are praising God in this victory.  I start new staff orientation and inservice next Thursday and will have about a week of inservice to get to know the campus, people I will be working with, and protocol. 

A new job brings lots of changes to our house however. Mommy will be working from 8-4:30 Monday-Friday and for some after school activities and weekend school activities. I am working on the realization that I will miss Noah's first grade year for the most part since I will be on the same school schedule but won't have all the days off he does or be able to come to his class parties and events. :o(  I always wanted to be one of those super involved classroom moms but turns out, I'm just not made for that so I will rely on those who were made to be super homeroom moms to care and make my child feel special during those parties too. And...thankfully God gave me a husband that, unless he is teaching too, will be able to go to some of those events and take pictures for me.

The other really cool thing about a new job is I got to go shopping! I have no professional looking clothes and the few I do own are from when I was a size 4, not that long ago but many pounds and 2 kids ago.  For a while now I have been trying to learn how to dress more my age and not like a kid or an old lady so for the first time I actually enjoyed clothes shopping for myself. I have always enjoyed shopping for the kids but that was about it, I am not a shopper.  But today was a success and I now own some professional looking, cute, and of course comfortable clothing. job here I come!

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